Just about everybody today feels that there is too much stress in their lives. More and more I hear people complaining that stress is getting to them, robbing them of satisfaction and peace of mind. So endemic is stress that we call it the disease of the 21st century. We all know what it feels like and it doesn’t feel good.
As the title suggests this book provides a clear formula for identifying, analyzing and managing your stress. If you feel that there is more stress in your life today than there was five, ten or twenty years ago it’s not your imagination. Current research shows that there is. Research conducted by Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, and involving 6,300 people offers proof that there is more stress in people's lives today than there was two decades ago. The data showed that stress has increased 18% for women and 24% for men.
Increasingly we have less time to think, reflect, or relax. A unique feature of this book is that it for the first time it brings together two powerful modalities – the behavioral or social styles construct with the latest techniques in stress-management.
This book provides the reader with a clear understanding of the behavioral styles model and the core principles and specific techniques for avoiding, accepting, adapting to and altering, the negative impact of stress.
Whether you are a middle manager, CEO, or administrative professional, it has never been so important to improve and expand your stress-management skills. In today’s demanding organizational environment, and equally stress inducing culture your life literally may depend on it.